Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Regulating Team Spirit

Regulating team spirit identifies the importance of keeping a team motivated, it is easy to be excited to work with a team in the beginning, but a lot of motivation can be lost as you continually work with them. There are three steps that can help keep the team motivation high and they are:
1: Don’t stop dating your team
The concept here identifies that it is important to keep group meetings exciting. You need to keep that spark alive, this can be done by changing the places where you meet with your groups, do other things not involving schoolwork with your groupmates. If you get to know your teammates on a more personal level you may be more inclined to want to meet up and work with them. 
2: Don’t let there be static
Stay in tuned, let your teammates know what is going on in your life. If you having other things going on that may be affecting your performance in your group, let your teammates know. They will be more understanding if you explain what is going on instead of not saying anything at all.
3: Check yourself before you wreck yourself
The concept here is that you need to be able to control your emotions. Do not let one small thing ruin your day, and don’t transfer your frustration onto your teammates. If you let your emotions get the best of you it will most likely show through your work and performance, and it will affect the whole team as well.  

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