Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Strengths and Roles

Knowing your strength or the role you play in a group is very important to know as well as for your teammates to know. 
As a team everyone has a role in the group whether they are a leader, motivator or unifier, which are a few examples of roles. However, sometimes before we know what a person's exact role is, as human beings we often stereotype a person’s role. For example, when you think of a CEO of a corporate business, the first thing that comes to your mind is a white middle aged man. As humans we don’t mean to do it, but sadly it’s apart of our culture. There are also negative roles that people stereotype others to be, which are procrastinators, control freaks, and the confused individuals. These are all common roles that are viewed to be negative in a group.

It doesn’t matter how people stereotype as person’s role in a group because people are different and unique in their own way. If you don’t know what your strength is or what role you play in a group, there’s a way to figure that out it’s called the Myers Brigg test. 
This is test is designed to help figure out what type of role you are by asking questions dealing with your personality and characteristics qualities, and then your final results will be four letters combined ( Ex. ENFJ, INTJ..). 
If you have never taken this test before the four letters can be confusing at first, but they all have a specific meaning: 
1) Where you draw your energy from 
2) What indications you prefer 
3) How you make decisions
4) How you view the world
Where you draw your energy from is the letters E=Extrovert, which is a person who enjoys being the life of the party or I=Introvert, which is a person who is shy. 
What indications you prefer is the letters N=intuitive, which is using your gut instincts or S=sensing, which is using facts or figures to back up something. 
How you make decisions is the letters T=thinking, which is thinking before you make a decision or F-feeling, which is making your decisions based off how you feel. 
And how you view the world is letters J=judging. which means you love to make decisions and checking them off as you're done with them or P=perceiving, which means you don’t like making decisions and you look at the big picture.  

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