Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Aspects of a Team

The three system variables are input, process, and output
Input is where all the members of the group have different strengths and talents that can benefit the team in some way. 
Process is how the team deals with conflict and how they use everyone’s ideas, and output is the outcome or conclusion of the team’s efforts. The process is also the stage in which more learning and growth will take place. If a team can overcome and work out their problems, they are more successful than a team who bitterly gets through their projects. 
Output is the group's final product. In this stage you must figure out how to solve the problem and what you can learn from the journey.

As far as the process goes, one specific thing that’ll most likely remain with me for the rest of my life was this in-class activity that dealt with marbles. The objective of the activity was to get a series of marbles across 3 blocks of wood. As a group we pretty much found a solution right away; 4 of us held the wood in place mid-air while the 5th person dropped the marbles down the wood. 

Yes this solution did work, however our instructor was adamant about us continuing and finding another. We did just that as we took another 5 minutes of pure brainstorming. This resulted in us holding the wood against the wall, once again the marbles flowed down the wood, but this time it was better! The point that I personally got from this activity was that the first solution isn’t always the best, trial and error is okay and completely acceptable.


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