Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Regulating Individuals

Working in groups can pose many challenges, one challenge involves keeping everyone on track and working together. In order to overcome this challenge it is important to regulate the individual members of a team along with regulating the team’s spirit. Regulating individual team members is not done by yelling at them and angrily pointing out everything they are doing wrong. The importance of regulating individuals is that is has to be approached in a calm and professional manner. Many times the hard part about this is that no one in a group has the guts to speak up and call someone out for doing something wrong, doing that sounds scary because it may make working in the group awkward for awhile. There is a way to effectively regulate individuals and it is broken down into 3 simple tips:

Address the issue internally:
his simply means that before you bring up a problem with a group members make sure you know what you are angry about in the first place. This is important because it allows you time to think before you speak, and you can focus on the issue you want to address and not get sidetracked with other problems you may have. 

Address the member individually:

This simply means you need to pull the person you are having a problem with to the side and discuss it, do not discuss it in front of everyone. Do not bring up a problem you have with an individual in front of a group of people they may feel like you are ganging up on them and the result would not be good, they would most likely shut down and refuse to participate due to the sheer embarassment of being called out in front of everyone.

Use iMessages:
This means that you need to explain to the person that what they are doing is also effecting you. Make it clear by using phrases like “ I feel________when you do _______” by doing this the other person may feel empathy and want to change because they are now aware of how their behavior is affecting you. Do not just simply state what it is that you don’t like because they may just get defensive, and they conversation will go no where.

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